Ron Howard intervju
Jag vet inte riktigt om vi tagit upp bytet av Victoria så mycket men jag är väldigt nyfiken på vad ni tycker!
Själv hade jag velat ha kvar Rachelle men hoppas att Bryce gör ett lika bra jobb!
En intervju i japan med Robert & Chris
Intervju med Rob vid inspelningen av New Moon
Intervju med Melissa Rosenberg [NM & ECLIPSE SPOILERS!!!]
Som sakt:
eclipse och new moon spoilers!!
You’ve added a few scenes to New Moon that weren’t in the book, like the one where Jacob gives Bella a gift of a dream catcher. Can you tell us about that?
Actually, I got the idea from a writer friend of mine. I was searching around for that moment... You had to establish the relationship between Bella and Jacob; he can give her gifts and Edward can’t. The sort of easy friendship with the two of them, and yet also, show that Jacob actually has feelings for her. He sort of casually presents the dream catcher, but really he’s shopped around for it for quite a while. I wanted it to be something that was special to him and his culture, and it was so thematic to Bella; the movie is laden with her dreams. Her dream life is a very rich part of the film. So thematically, it really blended well. I thank my friend for coming up with that.
What’s one of your favorite new scenes or extended scenes that you’ve written into New Moon?
One of my favorites is actually the end, when they go to Volterra and confront a couple of Volturi. In the book, the conflict in that scene is verbal; there is an attack on Edward by Jane, and it works in the book, it’s beautiful in the book. It’s never acted out; it never explodes. For the movie, because it’s a visual medium, I felt like I wanted to externalize that conflict more, turn it into more of a battle. So it’s the same scenario, it’s just enacted and externalized. We get to see an actual fight.
The proposal comes into the end of New Moon, and that is the first proposal. Absolutely in Eclipse, the proposal when they’re on the bed, yes -- to me, that was a quintessential scene from the book. When Edward gets on his knees, with his mother’s ring, and she says yes -- that was one of the most romantic scenes that Stephenie wrote in all four books.
Intervju med Peter om New Moon
The new moon cast pratar om halloween
Fler intervjuer (SPOILER* i nedersta klippet!)
Från samma intervju som tidigare ...
Kellan, Ashley, Nikki & Elizabeth berättar vad de har i sina "Trailers"
Kellan snackar New Moon VARNING VOLTURI SCENEN!!!!!!!
MTV intervju
HAHA kolla in Jackson när han tar fram sin mobil!! xD
"Tribute" Intervju med Taylor
Tinsel and Chaske i Brisbane
Tinsel (Emily) & Chaske (Sam) i Brisbane på en liten intervju, Chaske berättar lite om hur han sökte till rollen som Sam och att han inte visste mycket om Twilight innan han sökte rollen.
JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER intervju på filmfestival
- It was a big surprise. I didnt expect something like this, it´s incredible.
-Has you seen vampire movies to prepared for you character in NM?
- I like a lot the vampire movies, but I didnt see them in order to prepare for the role. Now, I did read the books and searched the internet a lot to figure out how the fans wanted me to play Cayo.
- What is your main virtue as an actor?
- My hair (laughs)
- what would you say to someone who doesnt know the story of Twilight to convince him/her to watch the movies?
- I´d say that it is a very good love story with vampires, a proved success formula.
Läs mer av intervjun här:
Intervju med Taylor!
MTV intervju m. Jamie Campbell Bower
Volturi detaljer :P
MTV:s intervju med Kristen och Taylor
MTV: Kristen, in your opinion, how is the relationship between Bella and Jacob in "New Moon" different than the one between Edward and Bella in "Twilight"?
Kristen Stewart: It's such a different relationship; it's like entirely original.
MTV: It seems much more playful.
Stewart: Yeah, exactly. They're light; they actually have fun with each other. Edward and Bella are always so strange, you know?
Taylor Lautner: It's always so tense.
Stewart: And only he can bring her out of that rut. Like, she literally is going to die; she's going to stop eating and be done. And the only thing that brings her out of it is this lightness [Jacob] brings.
MTV: What is one of the main things you're eager for us to see when "New Moon" hits theaters in November?
Lautner: I think the biggest thing you learn is that I disappear for a while, and she starts going through a separate depression. You go into a depression - would you call it that? - when I leave.
Stewart: Oh my God, yeah.
Lautner: Then she comes back to discover that I'm a werewolf, so that's the big boom. Yeah, I get to transform into a werewolf a couple times, which is awesome.
MTV: What was the stunt work like in those scenes?
Lautner: Well, Jacob's thing is he actually can transform in midair. So I got to do these really cool stunts where I got to actually run and then they'd hook me up on wires and I'd jump up in the air and then I'd come to a jolting stop and have to hang there for a bit. That's what you saw in the trailer, actually. That was a lot of fun. I get to do a lot of cool stunts in this one.
Stewart: That cute, little, fuzzy wolf.
MTV: He is very huggable. Tell us about one scene that you read either in Stephenie Meyer's book or in Melissa Rosenberg's screenplay that you were like, "Man, that's going to be tough to pull off," and tell us how you were able to figure it out.
Stewart: "New Moon" is riddled with all of that. I think it's the one book in the series that I was intimidated by - in a good way. That's the best feeling to start a movie with. But probably, my favorite line in the book is when I have to say to [Jacob], "It's him; it's always been him!" Like, I have to say that. Yeah, it killed me, it killed me.
MTV: It was a tough day to shoot?
Stewart: Yeah, and just like everything in our movie, it's such a heightened version of reality. It's like, people don't just break up [in the "Twilight" films] - they break up and it literally kills you. It's not like you just say, "Oh, I'm really depressed and crying." Everything is supposed to be a fantasy version of that. So I always had a really hard time figuring out, "Am I doing enough? Do I look like I'm going to die?"
MTV: Yeah, it would be tough to be the most dramatic person in the world, but without being cheesy. And Taylor?
Lautner: ["New Moon"] is very complicated. There's a lot of heartbreak, there's a lot of things going on. Edward leaves at the beginning, she goes into this depression, I come to try and bring her out of it. Then I go through my own issues, and then she leaves me. It's all over the place, and there's a lot going on, and there's many of those scenes that you described.
MTV: Which was your favorite to shoot?
Lautner: My favorite one was - well, we call it the breakup scene - but it's the scene right after she sees me shirtless and I've cut off my hair, all different for the first time. I have to tell her that we can't be friends anymore.
Stewart: He attempts to break up with me - but it doesn't work out.
Intervju med Boo Boo
En liten artikel
"Twilight"-stjärnorna laddar för tredje filmen
Succévampyrerna gör ännu en uppföljare efter nya "New moon"
HOLLYWOOD. Lanseringen av "Twilight"-uppföljaren "New moon" är i full gång.
Men skådespelarna i filmen har ingen ledighet i sikte.
Inspelningen av den tredje filmen i serien inleds redan i mitten av augusti.
Den enorma succén förvånar till och med huvudrollsinnehavaren Robert Pattinson. Han kan inte exakt sätta fingret på vad det är som lockar med vampyrberättelser.
- När jag spelar rollen försöker jag eliminera vampyrmomentet så mycket jag kan. Men det har uppenbarligen någon form av dragningskraft, säger Pattinson, och han har själv märkt av den.
- Redan när jag scentestade för "Twilight" kände jag hur bisarrt indragen jag blev i handlingen - och det utan att ens ha läst böckerna.
Pattinson gjorde uttalandet när han tillsammans med kollegorna Taylor Lautner och Kristen Stewart gästade serietidningsmässan Comic Con i San Diego i förrgår.
Är manodepressiv
"New moon" kretsar kring uppbrottet mellan Pattinsons rollfigur Edward Cullen och Stewarts Bella Swan.
- Det är en rätt känslosam film, säger Stewart.
- Jag gillar att rollen pressade mig. Den här gången handlar det inte om upptäckt eller förälskelse. I stället är det mörkt. Bella är manodepressiv.
Del tre i serien bär titeln "Eclipse".
källa: aftonbladet
om ni minns så sa jag att den här artikeln fanns i tidningen för några dagar sen :)